No [more] Pussyfooting
“So, on a piece of paper, written in large letters & placed on the mixing console
- No Pussyfooting –
that we should not compromise what we felt to be right.”
No [more] Pussyfooting brings back to live the classic experimental studio-albums “No Pussyfooting” and “Evening Star” by Brian Eno and Robert Fripp. In these pre-ambient albums from the early '70s Brian Eno blends his tape-loop experiments with Robert Fripp's rock guitar, creating unique layered soundscapes.
Two specific pieces from both albums will be presented: "The Heavenly Music Corporation" (A-side of "No Pussyfooting") and "An Index of Metals" (B-side of "Evening Star"). Both pieces, each taking up an entire side of an LP, beautifully explore the rich sound textures of the electric guitar in combination with tape-loops.
Using contemporary technology in combination with the original “frippertronics” set-up of two reel-to-reel tape-recorders, this project aims at restoring these gems of experimental repertoire, originally created in the studio, and bringing them back to the stage.
“the machine
becoming part of the work; encroaching on performance in
real time”
Kobe Van Cauwenberghe: guitar, tape-recorders and arrangement
With a background projection of the experimental film "Berlin Horse" by Malcolm Legrice
“an impressive recreation”
“Der legendäre „Index of Metals“ von Brian Eno und Robert Fripp [...] wurde bei den Kunstfestspielen exzellent wiederbelebt vom Gitarristen Kobe van Cauwenberghe.”
“Kobe Van Cauwenberghe offers satisfaction in music as a gradual process, with his live arrangement of Brian Eno and Robert Fripp’s No Pussyfooting and Evening Star. 50 minutes can pass either in an instance or an eternity, as the mind wanders away from the sound and into a vast canyon of thought; but that is exactly what Eno would have intended.”
Here's a link to an article I wrote for the Meakusma Festival Newspaper (English and German):
Some Notes on a Reconstruction of Fripp & Eno's "No Pussyfooting" and "Evening Star".
Einige Anmerkungen zu einer Rekonstruktion von Fripp und Enos "No Pussyfooting" und "Evening Star".
Tour Dates
11/03/2017 try-out at Qo2, Brussels (BE)
25/03/2017 MaerzMusik - The Long Now, Kraftwerk, Berlin (DE)
01/04/2017 Rewire Festival, The Hague (NL)
13/05/2017 Ear To The Ground, deBijloke, Gent (BE)
25/06/2017 AlbaNova, Bilzen (BE)
09/09/2017 Meakusma Festival, Eupen (BE)
28/09/2017 Support act to Ictus-ensemble playing "An Index of Metals" by F. Romitelli, Bozar Electronic Arts Festival, Brussels (BE)
20/10/2017 Articulate - Art research days, Royal Conservatory, Antwerp (BE)
20/11/2017 Huddersfield Contemporary Music Festival, Huddersfield (UK)
02/12/2017 Muziekcentrum Track, Kortrijk (BE)
08/05/2018 Les Nuits du Beau Tas, Brussels (BE)
31/05/2018 Support act to Ictus-ensemble playing "An Index of Metals" by F. Romitelli, Kunstfestspiele Herrenhausen, Hannover (DE)
05/10/2018 GAS festival, Götheborg (SE)
17/10/2018 Mehrspur Musikklub, Zürich (CH)
11/01/2019 Smog, Brussels (BE)
07/03/2019 Ocean of Sound, Radar, Aarhus (DK)
01/04/2019 Ohren Auf!, Küsnacht (CH)
11/10/2019 Spectrum, New York (US)
05/09/2022 Sacrum Profanum, Krakau (PL)

For bookings just drop me a line here.
With the support of ChampdAction, the Flemish Government and AP Hogeschool Antwerpen
Banner image: Willie Chistie (original cover design for No Pussyfooting)